Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, December 13, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Pro-Abortion Susan Rice Drops Secretary of State Nomination
• Americans Reject Pro-Abortion Sandra Fluke as Person of the Year
• Democrats Pushing to Fund Abortions on U.S. Military Bases
• Planned Parenthood, YMCA, Girl Scouts Head Pro-Abortion Conference
More Pro-Life News
• Cardinal Dolan Slams Media Silence on Battle Over HHS Mandate
• Woman Gets Life in Prison for Cutting Baby Out of Womb
• Daughter: But Mommy, My Brother Was Born in Your Belly
• Paying for Abortions Harmful to Pregnant, Raped Military Women
• Peter Singer: Interests of The Born Outweigh the Unborn
• Jesus Set Me Free From the Pain of My Abortions
• Study: Activists Misleading About Number of Illegal Abortion Deaths
• Since 1992, No Abortions in UK in Irish Women to Save Their Life
• China s One-Child Policy Lends Itself to Forced Abortions
• Canadian Groups Granted Right to Fight Assisted Suicide in Court
• Ethical Stem Cells Offer More Promise, New Breakthroughs
Pro-Abortion Susan Rice Drops Secretary of State Nomination
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who supports abortion, is withdrawing her name for consideration in her possible bid to replace pro-abortion Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Said Rice on NBC today: If nominated, I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities.
Americans Reject Pro-Abortion Sandra Fluke as Person of the Year
By a 3-1 margin, Americans thoroughly rejected pro-abortion activist Sandra Fluke s nomination as the Time Person of the Year. Fluke finished 24th out of 38 nominees for the honor, coming in the bottom half of the field.
With more than 125,000 votes cast on whether Fluke should receive the honor, she received just 42,133 votes, or approximately one-third of the total votes cast by those who participated in Time s online polling. Over 65 percent of those voting voted against Fluke.

Cardinal Dolan Slams Media Silence on Battle Over HHS Mandate
Cardinal Dolan, the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is slamming the media silence on the battles against the HHS mandate, the Obama administration s attempt to force religious groups to fund drugs that may cause abortions.
Earlier this month, in what top pro-life legal groups described as a landmark ruling against the HHS Mandate, a federal judge ruled against the Obama administration s assertion that the government s supposed safe harbor was inadequate to protect religious organizations from suffering imminent harm.
Democrats Pushing to Fund Abortions on U.S. Military Bases
Democrats in Congress are pushing hard to force Americans to fund abortions at military base hospitals with their taxpayer dollars. Current U.S. policy prohibits taxpayer funding of such abortions, except if the mother s life is in danger, but Democrats want to fund abortions in cases of rape or incest.
Senate Democrats approved a defense funding bill with a pro-abortion amendment attached to it that would allow for taxpayer financing of abortions, while House Republicans approved similar legislation with the current pro-life policy in place.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Planned Parenthood, YMCA, Girl Scouts Head Pro-Abortion Conference
As the twentieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) approaches, abortion activists are marking out their priorities for governments to adopt for the next 20 years. To that end, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), along with various non-governmental organizations hosted, ICPD Global Youth Forum in Bali last week, touted by sponsors as an unprecedented opportunity to influence global policy.
The participants were pre-selected by the event organizers which wanted to ensure uniformity of opinion.
Woman Gets Life in Prison for Cutting Baby Out of Womb
A Wisconsin woman who confessed to cutting an unborn baby out of a woman s womb in an attempt to steal the child was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Annette Morales-Rodriguez, 34, was convicted in September on two counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the deaths of 23-year-old Maritza Ramirez-Cruz and her unborn child. During testimony in court, Morales-Rodriguez was upset she was not able to provide a son for her boyfriend and she devised a scheme by which she pretended to have miscarriages and faking a pregnancy before deciding to steal an unborn child from a pregnant woman.

Daughter: But Mommy, My Brother Was Born in Your Belly
The day that Gabriel was born and you told me about it was the best day of my life. I dropped the laundry that I was folding and turned to Olivia as she said this recently, my heart in my stomach.
Just over a year has passed since we lost our son, Gabriel, through a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and I had thought that Olivia was more than well aware of what had happened (as well aware as a four-year-old can be).
Paying for Abortions Harmful to Pregnant, Raped Military Women
Abortion advocates are applauding a Senate vote to authorize insurance coverage for abortions for women in the military who become pregnant through rape or incest.

Peter Singer: Interests of The Born Outweigh the Unborn
I just posted about Princeton s notorious bioethics professor, Peter Singer, embracing Aubrey de Gray s anti-aging crusade.
Jesus Set Me Free From the Pain of My Abortions
It s not a life. It s not a baby. It s just an embryo. It s not murder. .
Study: Activists Misleading About Number of Illegal Abortion Deaths
One of the principal techniques used by the pro-abortion lobby to advance their agenda of legalising abortion in developing world countries is to argue that safe, legal abortion will decrease overall maternal mortality whilst not appreciably increasing the overall number of abortions.
Since 1992, No Abortions in UK in Irish Women to Save Their Life
While abortion activists in Ireland work feverishly to exploit the case of a pregnant woman who died to legalize abortion, new numbers show abortion is apparently not needed to save women s lives.
China s One-Child Policy Lends Itself to Forced Abortions
From the beginning of the one-child policy, the Chinese Party-state has tried to blame the myriad cruelties of this barbaric policy on out-of-control local officials. This is nonsense, of course, since local officials are only following orders on pain of punishment.
Canadian Groups Granted Right to Fight Assisted Suicide in Court
Canadian groups have won the right to get involved in a court case in British Columbia as they attempt to prevent the case from promulgating assisted suicide in Canada.
Ethical Stem Cells Offer More Promise, New Breakthroughs
Shinya Yamanaka (pictured) of Kyoto University won the Nobel Prize in medicine this year for his pioneering work in producing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) from adult skin cells in mice.
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