Pro-Life News Report
Monday, December 17, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Pro-Life Republican Rep. Tim Scott to Replace DeMint in Senate
• Dominos Pizza Founder Sues Obama Admin Over HHS Mandate
• Ex Komen VP: Planned Parenthood Engaged in Mafia Style Attacks
• They Said NO: When 12 Nurses Refused to Do Abortions
More Pro-Life News
• New Orleans Abortion Biz to Close, Leave City With One Clinic
• Business Loses First Fight Against HHS Mandate, Battle Continues
• Looking Back at Coverage of Roe v. Wade on January 1973
• Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School Highlights Value of Life
• Remember 40 Years of Roe v. Wade by Rededicating to Stop Abortion
• The Empty Manger: Christmas a Time to Cherish the Gift of Life
• A Prayer for the Victims of the Sandy Hook Shooting
• New Short Film Will Change Hearts: I Like Adoption
• Ireland Government Expected to Propose Okaying Some Abortions
• CDC s Report Severely Undercounts Number of Abortions Nationwide
• Powerful Voices Want IPAB to Be Able to Ration Health Care
• Philippines OKs RH Bill, Possible Precursor to Legalized Abortion
Pro-Life Republican Rep. Tim Scott to Replace DeMint in Senate
Republican Congressman Tim Scott, a black pro-life advocate, will replace pro-life Sen. Jim DeMint in the U.S. Senate, after DeMint stepped down to take over as the head of the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina announced today that she chose Representative Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the United States Senate, a move which makes him the first black senator from the South in decades. Scott will serve until a special election is held in 2014.
Dominos Pizza Founder Sues Obama Admin Over HHS Mandate
The Catholic businessman who is the founder and former owner of the Domino s Pizza chain has filed a lawsuit over the HHS mandate that forces religious employers to purchase drugs that may cause abortions for their employees.
Tom Monaghan calls requiring businesses, schools and other religious places to pay for such drugs a gravely immoral practice and filed suit late Friday in federal court for Domino s Farms, a business development complex he owns.

Ex Komen VP: Planned Parenthood Engaged in Mafia Style Attack
The former Vice President of the Komen for the Cure breast cancer charity called out the Planned Parenthood abortion business last week for its bullying tactics that forced Komen s leaders to re-institute funding.
Karen Handel, former senior vice president for public policy at the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organizations, said (Komen) was the subject of an unprecedented, premeditated, Mafia-style assault, all because Susan B. Komen for the Cure tried to do what was in the best interest of its mission in the fight against breast cancer.
They Said NO: When 12 Nurses Refused to Do Abortions
Nurses in a big city hospital never know what a day s shift will bring straightforward cases or medical miracles, major crises or minor first aid. Whatever her station, whatever the duty of the moment, a nurse tries to ready herself for anything. But some things, you just can t see coming.
It was Beryl Otieno Ngoje s turn to work the desk in the Same Day Surgery Unit at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), in Newark. She was busy with the usual administrative duties filing charts, handing out forms to the patients, answering visitors questions when another nurse hurried up beside her.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
New Orleans Abortion Biz to Close, Leave City With One Clinic
At one time, New Orleans had seven fully-operating abortion clinics, but the Louisiana city is down to just one with the expected closure of one of the abortion facilities.
Pastor Dale Sochia of King Jesus Ministries in Boutte emailed LifeNews over the weekend to confirm that the Midtown Medical abortion clinic is expected to be closing, following the death of abortion practitioner Kiat Varnishung.
Business Loses First Fight Against HHS Mandate, Battle Continues
An Illinois-based business lost its first battle in court against the HHS mandate on Friday.
An Illinois federal district court denied a preliminary injunction sought by a for-profit construction business claiming that its First Amendment rights are being violated because it does not want to be forced to pay for drugs for their employees that may cause abortions.

Looking Back at Coverage of Roe v. Wade on January 1973
Heartbeat International has created a site in anticipation of the 40th commemoration of the tragedy that is Roe v. Wade Among other opportunities, visitors are encouraged to post where they were on January 22, 1973, and how they will commemorate this act of raw judicial power (to quote dissenter Justice Bryon White).
On the bottom right of the site is what appears to be a four-minute-long kinescope of CBS Evening News, anchored by Walter Cronkite, in which Cronkite announced that the unnamed decision that day had legalized abortions.
Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School Highlights Value of Life
Some headlines are too horrific to fully comprehend. The massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT was one such event.

Remember 40 Years of Roe v. Wade by Rededicating to Stop Abortion
There s no getting around the fact that the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is going to be sobering. The numbers stagger the soul. If it gives you pause and makes you discouraged for a moment, I don t blame you.
The Empty Manger: Christmas a Time to Cherish the Gift of Life
During Advent, Christians gather around the Manger, as yet empty. Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay, the Church s liturgy prays.
In 2013: Keep Exposing Planned Parenthood s Abortion Business
Planned Parenthood is trying to give itself a public image makeover. Patricia Bainbridge is determined that America s largest abortion provider and most vocal proponent of abortion won t get away with it.
A Prayer for the Victims of the Sandy Hook Shooting
In light of the horrific developments in Newtown, Conn. developments so sorrowful that no words will do I felt it only appropriate to pull my regular column for this week. I offer, instead, the only words I can at this inexpressibly mournful time: A simple prayer.
New Short Film Will Change Hearts: I Like Adoption
This is the right time of year to focus on the things we like, the things we re thankful for, the things that have changed our lives.
Ireland Government Expected to Propose Okaying Some Abortions
A leading pro-life group in Ireland is concerned the Irish government will propose legislation to allow abortions in some instances.
CDC s Report Severely Undercounts Number of Abortions Nationwide
National and state abortion reporting laws and policies in the United States are a patchwork that falls far short of fulfilling the potential of this information to inform and guide public policy.
Powerful Voices Want IPAB to Be Able to Ration Health Care
E.J. Dionne, defender of all things liberal, has come to the support of the anti-liberty Independent Payment Advisory Board.
Philippines OKs RH Bill, Possible Precursor to Legalized Abortion
Both houses of the Filipino Congress approved the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, which is now expected to be signed into law by President Benigno Aquino as soon as Christmas.
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