Friday, December 9, 2011

News from the Trenches

“Top-secret event planned”

Pro-life caroling tomorrow outside Sacramento abortuary, prayers sought in San Diego



(The following comes to California Catholic Daily from veteran Sacramento pro-lifer Wynette Sills.)

Survivors, a Southern California-based pro-life youth and young adult missionary group, will be leading Christmas carols and giving Christmas gifts to moms at the abortion business at 1750 Wright Street, tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., followed by a huge event at Arden Fair Mall.

Everyone is invited to come. Bring your Santa hats, guitars, drums and good cheer, as we share faith, hope and love this Christmas with women who may be considering abortion and with the people who work in the abortion business.

The Survivors will begin their day with 8 a.m. Mass at nearby St. Ignatius Parish, 3235 Arden Way, then walk from St. Ignatius to 1750 Wright Street, where they will distribute gifts and sing Christmas carols throughout the morning.

At noon, they have a top-secret event planned for Arden Fair Mall, which you won't want to miss -- but please get all details at Wright Street beforehand.

They could really use help in gathering gifts for the women we meet at the sidewalk, such as baby clothes, Christmas baby toys and stuffed animals, gift cards for moms, lotions, and other cute gift baskets for women. Contact local pro-life leader, Meghan, from the Sac State Pro-Life Mothers Club at (916) 667-4306 if you can help with gifts. See all the details at the Survivor's website.

Also, we have a mother and her two young children, ages 6 and 2, who are escaping an abusive, violent marriage due to an abortion experience. She has an appointment with WEAVE today, but we need a temporary, safe refuge for this mom and her children. Please call Wynette at (916) 955-1577 if you can help. We are thinking of providing them with a hotel room for a few days, so donations would be welcomed.

Please continue to join us in prayer at 1750 Wright Street year-round on abortion mornings, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.


(The following comes to us from the sidewalk counselors of Helpers of God's Precious Infants, San Diego.)

Please pray for "M," a save we had at FPA this morning, Saturday, Dec. 3. Please pray also for two other women who left FPA, one of which is “S” from Norway. She left FPA today and went to COLFS.

However, she left abortion-intent, expressing that she had to get the abortion done before Dec.12 because she returns to Norway on that date.

Across town at Planned Parenthood at First and Grape, a young woman and her mother were given information and counseled separately. They both went in, but left a short time later, saying they were not going to make any decisions today. Both were receptive to the counseling. Please pray that the young woman chooses life.