Pro-Life News Report
Monday, March 31, 2014
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Top Stories
• Gosnell Movie “America’s Biggest Serial Killer” Will Tell Story of Abortionist Who Killed Babies Born Alive
• Nine Years Ago Today, Terri Schiavo Lived Her Last Day
• Mom With Cancer Sacrifices Her Life for Her Baby, Refuses Abortion• 321 Babies Saved From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life
More Pro-Life News• This Little Baby May Have Died But Why Should She be Incinerated for Heat?
• Social Justice Movement Ought to Recognize Human Rights for Unborn Children
• Baby Born With Heart Outside His Chest, Parents Need Help for Lifesaving Medical Procedure
• Former Fire Chief Pleads Guilty to Impregnating 15-Year-Old in Rape, Paying for Abortion
• Abortion Clinic Worker Quits: “I Hate This Place, I’ve Had Enough! I Quit!”
• Report: 17 British Women Got Their 8th Abortion in 2012, Thousands Have Repeat Abortions Annually
• Baby Boy Clings to Life as His Seven-Month-Pregnant Mom is Shot, Killed
• Supreme Court May Decide if Planned Parenthood Can Injure Women With Dangerous Abortion Drug
• Kids Say The Darnedest Things When Asked What They’d Do If They Had Only 5 Years To Live
• Houston Planned Parenthood Caught Attempting to Hide Botched Abortion in 911 Call
• West Virginia’s “Pro-Life” Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks
• Death on Demand Coming to Canada? Proposal Would Push Euthanasia on Patients
• Abortions in Kansas Drop Again to Their Lowest Point Ever
Gosnell Movie “America’s Biggest Serial Killer” Will Tell Story of Abortionist Who Killed Babies Born Alive
is the abortion practitioner who killed babies in live-birth abortions
that were more akin to infanticide than abortion. The media virtually
ignored Kermit Gosnell until the pro-life movement launched a concerned
effort to call them out on their bias during the early stages of his
trial for murder.
Now, Gosnell is prison, having been convicted of murder in the deaths of multiple babies,though he was accused of killing thousands of viable babies. Still, one report from Gallup showed a large percentage of Americans still have no idea who Gosnell is and what he did. A new crowd-funded campaign for a Gosnell movie hopes to change that.
Nine Years Ago Today, Terri Schiavo Lived Her Last Day
On March 30, 2005, Terri Schiavo had her last full day of life on this
earth and both her family and Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life
will never forget the last moments they shared with the woman whose
former husband won a court order to take her life.
Terri was killed on March 31, 2005 when her former husband won a protracted legal battle against the Schindler family for the right to disconnect her feeding tube. Doctors who examined Terri say she was not in a persistent vegetative state and that her condition could have been improved has she been given access to more medical care and rehabilitative treatment.
Now, Gosnell is prison, having been convicted of murder in the deaths of multiple babies,though he was accused of killing thousands of viable babies. Still, one report from Gallup showed a large percentage of Americans still have no idea who Gosnell is and what he did. A new crowd-funded campaign for a Gosnell movie hopes to change that.
Nine Years Ago Today, Terri Schiavo Lived Her Last Day
Terri was killed on March 31, 2005 when her former husband won a protracted legal battle against the Schindler family for the right to disconnect her feeding tube. Doctors who examined Terri say she was not in a persistent vegetative state and that her condition could have been improved has she been given access to more medical care and rehabilitative treatment.
Mom With Cancer Sacrifices Her Life for Her Baby, Refuses Abortion
A mom in New York City was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice – she was willing to sacrifice her own life for someone else.
Elizabeth Joice found out she was pregnant, she was overcome with joy
because doctors told her she would never be able to have children. But
doctors then told her that she would be forced to make a decision to
take the live of her unborn baby to begin cancer treatment or put her
own life in danger by forgoing it.
321 Babies Saved From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life
was in Charlotte, North Carolina last week and have amazing news from
that city. But first, there is even better news. Already in this 40 Days
for Life campaign, we’ve had reports of 321 babies that have been saved
from abortion! Praise God for His mercy and love!
321 Babies Saved From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life
are two reports today. One shows the power of a strong, consistent
pro-life witness. The other shows the agony a woman goes through when
it’s clear the “choice” to have an abortion is not her own.
This Little Baby May Have Died But Why Should She be Incinerated for Heat?
The revelation that British hospitals have been burning thousands of
aborted and miscarried babies as clinical waste and in some cases to
heat the hospitals has caused official consternation, but it is hardly
If medical professionals are permitted – no, expected – to dismember (amongst other things) the bodies of living babies when carrying out abortions, is it any wonder that they lack respect for those same babies’ dead bodies or for the bodies of miscarried babies at the same stage of development?
If medical professionals are permitted – no, expected – to dismember (amongst other things) the bodies of living babies when carrying out abortions, is it any wonder that they lack respect for those same babies’ dead bodies or for the bodies of miscarried babies at the same stage of development?
Social Justice Movement Ought to Recognize Human Rights for Unborn Children
modern social justice movement can be described as a loose union of
movements that oppose institutionalized injustice in various
forms—racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and many more.
It’s seen as a
single movement because all forms of oppression share certain
characteristics: most importantly, that they are systems of injustice
perpetuated by the entire culture, not merely collections of unrelated
incidents. One of these axes of oppression, though not often recognized
by the mainstream social justice movement, is adultism—the idea that
adults are the “default” human beings, and the less adult-like a person
is, the less valid their existence is.
Baby Born With Heart Outside His Chest, Parents Need Help for Lifesaving Medical Procedure
baby in India was born with his heart outside of his chest and his
parents are desperately trying to fundraise for enough money for a
lifesaving medical procedure he desperately needs.
The unnamed baby boy
has managed to defy all odds and survive six days with his heart
outside of his chest but time is running out and Priyanka and Nirbhay
Pal are looking for assistance online to help their little boy. The
spoke with a British newspaper about their situation.
Abortion Clinic Worker Quits: “I Hate This Place, I’ve Had Enough! I Quit!” There are stories of God’s blessings and God’s victories at 40 Days for Life vigils. But there are also stories of pain.
Report: 17 British Women Got Their 8th Abortion in 2012, Thousands Have Repeat Abortions Annually
A new government report in England is causing alarm for British
pro-lifers as it shows 17 women in 2012 between the ages of 18-29 had
already had seven abortions at the time of their eight abortion obtained
that year.
Baby Boy Clings to Life as His Seven-Month-Pregnant Mom is Shot, Killed
21-year-old Qualecia James, who was seven months pregnant, died Sunday
after being shot earlier that afternoon in Miami. Her baby boy clings to
Supreme Court May Decide if Planned Parenthood Can Injure Women With Dangerous Abortion Drug
The Fifth Circuit’s decision this week in Planned Parenthood v. Abbott
set up a likely Supreme Court showdown on the constitutionality of laws
regulating chemical abortions.
Kids Say The Darnedest Things When Asked What They’d Do If They Had Only 5 Years To Live
End of life issues are ones pro-life advocates take up often. We
celebrate life and the dignity and worth of every human being as opposed
to euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Houston Planned Parenthood Caught Attempting to Hide Botched Abortion in 911 Call
By now abortionists around the nation are well aware that Operation
Rescue and other pro-life organizations are accessing public 911 records
to verify and document abortion-related medical emergencies that are
often witnessed by street activists outside American abortion clinics.